Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Perspective - Bologna

I think that as a society, we have allowed ourselves to just 'go with the flow'. The problem with this, is who we have allowed to drive. Between the media, corporations, and government, we have been driven into the forest with no headlights and we are slamming and banging into every tree out there. I use this analogy for a specific reason; first, I wish to exemplify that having someone else drive, is putting our lives in the hands of others; secondly, I wish to signify that without headlights, we are driving without true direction, blindly; thirdly, the banging into trees is to represent our destruction of our planet in our blind mad dash.

I think the best way to look at how outrageous we have allowed our lives to get, is to put things into perspective. I will use the entertainment industry as my first item of focus. We have allowed all the 'red carpet' events to blind us with all the shining diamonds and fancy dresses and the paparazzi flashbulbs, to the point that we actually think it is important, what someone wore to an event. We have been led to believe that our opinion in these events somehow matter. I think that in perspective, the only award the actors and other celebrities need to get is that massive paycheck from all of us to spend our hard earned money to watch their movies. If that is not enough, then I feel sorry that their egos need to be so badly stroked. I appreciate the movies that they make, I appreciate their efforts, and their contributions. If anything, those awards should only be for the people behind the scenes; such as the costume designers, stunt people, and all the extras who made the movie possible.

In regards to putting movies themselves into perspective, I am sure that most of us are aware of our innate need to have things now, and not only now, but it has to be the fastest, best, and most expensive. We have lost our patience, and therefore have allowed theaters to charge us rediculously large amounts of money, just to see the movie. In perspective, if we had a little patience, we could wait a couple of weeks or in some cases, months, to see the same movie in the dollar or discount theater. To further put it in perspective, the dollar theater is like a dvd player on crack. You spend a buck to rent a DVD from the Redbox, when you could spend the same money at the discount theater and have a better experience from watching it on the big screen, and have great sound. I admit, it is not as fancy as the regular theaters, however, IN PERSPECTIVE, it is one of the more sound choices we can make.

The one thing that really got me fired up, and upset, and wanting to talk about putting things into perspective is Bologna. I consider myself a frugal shopper, and am usually checking the prices on products I purchase, one of those being meat, as I am a meatatarian. I cannot believe that I can buy a decent cut of beef, for as little as $3lb., or chicken for as little as $.65lb., or pork for as little as $1.29lb, but I have to pay upwards of $3lb for bologna, the meat 'by-product' that is made with all the scraps, and has all the nutritional value cooked out of it, and then artificially added back in?!!!!! Are you serious?!!!! I am paying premium prices for the leftovers?!!! Would you go to a restaurant and order the leftovers off of someone else's plate and pay full price for it? How is it that we have allowed companies to get to the point that they would have the audacity to charge us that much for something of lesser quality than whole meats?

There are so many other specific items that I believe we can all take a closer look at with perspective. I am only giving you a couple of things to think about to help get your brain started. I think that it is time that we all take our blinders off, and start looking at things in perspective, from the purchases we make, to the foods that we eat, to the lifestyles that we live, to the beliefs we follow, to the people we claim to be. I think that we have lost our perspective, and have allowed ourselves to be dwarfed by everything on this planet, except for God. I hope that we all wake up before it is too late, to grab the wheel and turn the lights on.

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