Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I have gotten into many conversations with different people regarding the validity, probability, and severity of the "2012" event. For those of you who believe or disbelieve that something may/may not happen, here are my opinions which will help you to define your opinions regarding this event. I have given much thought to the possiblity that something will happen, and although I don't believe that the event will be an 'end all' situtation, I do believe that it will be extremely devastating, and that many will perish. I do not believe that the coming events will be, or are a part of the 'rapture'. Here are my initial thoughts as to why I choose to believe something will happen:

There have been many  predictions/visions/etc, of events, which have been documented over the years, from the Mayans, to Nostradamus, and others. Of these events mentioned, I have noticed that the predictions, were associated with major events After the Fact of events which have occurred. Some have even been explained through scientific theories as well. This event (to the best of my knowledge), has been the first in which there has been scientific support BEFORE the event even occurred. The scientific aspect of this potential phenomenon, states that within this time period, the earth will align almost perfectly between the sun and a black hole in space, and will pass through an extreme magnetic flux, to the proportions as to be able to reverse the polarity of this planet. Some may think that this will pose no major threat, or possibly no threat at all, however, I would like for you to consider this: If the earth is held in it's shape, by electromagnetic fields, even a minor disruption may cause catastrophic events. I will continue with the minor effects and work my way up to the major events.

One thing to consider regarding the electromagnetic field of this planet, is the moisture. Each droplet of water in it's minutest form is electromagnetically charged. In addition, the air in the skies are also electromagnetically charged, and so fluctuations in the earths magnetic fields, may be affecting, or becoming affected by, these magnetic charges. This may attribute the causes of the severe weather we have been experiencing in 2010. Another factor in the possible weather anomalies, may be affected by the increased use of technology, such as cell phones, mp3 players, and any other electronic device that uses electricity. Each of these devices, create their own magnetic fields, regardless of how small. This buildup of electrostatic charges from such devices, could be affecting the very weather itself.

This situation may also play a more major role in the coming event than we may possibly realize. With the advancements in technology, the amount of technology, and the size of technology (referring to things such as the atom splitter, etc), the power of the earths magnetic field may have increased to such a degree, as to have literally pulled us into this specific path. To help express significance of the possible event, I would like for you to envision a magnet, rolling along the floor in a set path, and passing between two other magnets, either in the center or slightly off. Even though the round magnet is rolling, the pull of the other magnets, may be strong enough to shift the path of the rolling magnet even slightly. In terms of a magnet that small, we might not be able to see the variation unless we measure at long distances. On a much larger scale, the earth passing through such a field will also feel the shift of the field as it passes through. This may change the orbit of the earth slightly, causing changes to the seasons, making shorter hotter summers and longer colder winters. It may be decades or centuries before the shift is self adjusted, if at all. This is the mildest of the events that I can come up with.

To think of the larger scale of the possible events, I would like for you to envision the earth as a round magnet, this time passing through a stronger magnetic field. This path if passed through as predicted, may end up creating such a devastating event, that we will be lucky as a human race, to survive it. Think of it in terms of this, when a magnet (or other magnetic object, ie: steel ball, etc), passes next to a stronger magnetic field, it is slightly pulled as it approaches, and then is subject to the pull as it passes. This is my prediction, as to how we will be effected by the event. I think that when the time comes, we will pass through the field, possibly 2-3 days, and in this time, we will feel the full effects of the pull. The first thing we will experience, is the sudden changes in weather (extreme changes), the second thing will be the effects on the fault lines across the world (some of which have been in a state of extreme tension for quite some time), triggering massive earthquakes. This will be followed by, or accompanied by, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis. This is something that I believe will reduce the numbers of the human race to several hundred thousand (globally).

I know that there are many out there who don't want to believe that anything this bad can happen, but I have to say, that there have been a lot of things that have made me wonder. After experiencing the flood here in Tennessee, and then hearing about the floods in LA, and then the flood in Australia, I looked at the 99 cent globe (my nephews got me for christmas one year), and noticed that it was almost a straight line from point "A" (Nashville) to point "B" (Australia). It is possible that it is just coincidence, and it is also possible, that there is an electromagnetic wave riding out there that we cannot track. As far as the birds that have died all of a sudden, and the fish, it is possible that some animals are more sensitive to electromagnetic stimulus than we are capable of comprehending. I believe that we are experiencing electromagnetic spikes (EMP's for those who understand them), which are naturally occurring.  So now you have heard my two cents on the subject, and there may be more to follow, but in closing now, I just want to say, whether we will or will not experience anything in the year of 2012, I hope that we all have made things right with God, and learn to love each other as we should.

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